so, today i have my muet : speaking test..there are 3 of us in our group..2 ladies and only me, its going smooth even im a little bit hand was shaking when i put my hand on the table..owh god, why im so nervous?.after all, i really enjoy it but my point, make me blurrrrrrrrrrrrr..hahaha..lucky the 2 ladies very2 supportive..thanx ladies :)
dah2, ckup english..nk tukar malay plak..masa muet td, ada kenal beberapa org..antaranya atikah, anis, ibrar and dbah akak najwa latif..haha..tertarik ngan perangai dbah sbb dia pling muda, and dia very2 peramah, cam mnja2, suka senyum..nnt law dh dpat gmbr, aku upload..gmbr xde lg sbb guna camera dia..
malam before tido plak, aku sibuk wat mini projek web programming..xtau la naper aku sgt berminat ngan php..nie antara page utama dalam website aku..tema mini projek adalah tokoh..
so, apa pendapat korg sal website aku nie??.aku cuba wat sesimple yg mungkin..xmo serabut2 and menepati tema je..haa, komen2.. :D