...im chating with my bby...
...she fine...
...but she not in gud mood...
...so,i chill her...
...i tell her 1 love story...
the story like this
i say :
its about someone name S...
oneday,S meet L at chating box...
n S fall in love with L...
they getting better n closer..
until 1day...
S know that he has being cheating by L...
S try to call L but L not respond....
from that day...
S cry b4 he sleep..
n finally S know the truth story...
L already fall in love with H...
s getting sad...
crying everynight b4 sleep...
until 1 day...
S meet F...
F treat S very well...
n S also care about F.
start from that day...
S never cry..
S have to accept that F already have BF...
S say in he heart...
i'll wait 4 u F...
coz im love u very much F...
n S stillcontact with F...
S say,he will care about F n always suport F...
F make S hapy...
bby say :
i think.., F also love S...
even..., F got BF
i say :
rmmbr what S say...
he will wait 4 F
bby say:
wat a nice story
i say :
nice story but sad ending...
S never get what he want
bby say :
no matter who S for F..
F still
love S
S is so kind hearted
i say :
is that really F love S???
bby say :
yes... but...
just as her bro...
tp lebih cket...
sbb S understand F
i say :
sjak F hadir lam idup S,S dh brenti nagis mlm2 sblm tito..
sbb F pham S...
wlaupn S bru knal F...
S always doakan S happy with her BF...
bby say :
F pun same... F say.., she feel so close to S..., each time..., they 2gether
then bby sleep...
p/s : like bedtime stories movie
1 comment:
good points and the details are more specific than somewhere else, thanks.
- Norman
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