H appiness depends upon your outlook on life.
A ttitude is just as important as ability.
P assion find yours this year!
P ositive thoughts make everything easier.
Y ou are unique, with special gifts, use them.
N ew beginnings with a new year.
E nthusiasm a true secret of success.
W ishes may they turn into goals.
Y ears go by...... ...to quickly, enjoy them.
E nergy may you have lots of it.
A ppreciation of life, don't take it for granted.
R elax take the time to relax in this coming year.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
1st time tulis blog taun nie...heee
smlm smbut taun baru sorg2...kat umah...si dia kuar ngan family...aku xnk kcau...so,aku ckap la ngan gmbar dia lam phone aku...then aku goncang2 crystal ball yg dia bg tu...then lam pkul 1 lebih bru aku msg ngan dia...time tu aku sonok giler...dpat gak aku msg ngan gf aku b4 aku tito...ayg,iloveyousomuch!!!..abg akan setia ngan ayg... :)
Happy New Year!!!!!!
gud bye 2009,welcome 2010...igt nk spent time ngan si dia but sia dia hang out ngan family...aku nk watpe mlm nie??.tgk tv jelah...huhuhu...sorg2...slamat gambar si dia n crystal ball ada tuk teman aku...aku xkisah klau org kta aku giler sbb aku ckap ngan gambar...biar la,itu hidup aku...aku syg dia...dia gf aku...pe2 pn,happy new year to all...kepada semua pembaca blog aku,aku nk ucap kan thanx sbb sudi bce...sesungguh nya,ini psal hidup aku...k la,aku nk tgk blogger boy nie...mmg best citer dia...fun...but sometime sad...heee...
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
suka duka taun 2009
esok dh taun baru....hope taun 2010 nie beban aku x byk sgt...aku nk fokus study aku...and x lupa gak gf aku,aku nk jga dia elok2...wlau sibuk mana pn aku taun depan,aku akan tetap cari waktu tuk dia...hanya dia kat hati aku...hanya dia gf aku...aku xkisah klau org nk ckap aku nie syok sendiri...owh ya,taun depan aku akan masuk polimas,jitra....heee...dekat ngan umah aku...td g UiTM,g jmpa lecture and PA aku...then aku jmpa En. Iderus,pengajar kokurikulum aku...mulai skrng,UiTM hanya tnggal knangan je bg aku...but,klau aku free,aku aku g gak melawat lecture,PA n En iderus...act,ramai ag lecture yg aku nk jmpa but dia cuti arinie...maklum la,minggu depan dh start kuliah...taun nie gak taun aku yg paling aku x dpat lupakan...aku dpat knal adek2 aku,aku dpat kwan baru...mmg best...yg aku xleh lupa adalah pd 19/11/2009...aku jmpa ngan blogger gurl aku...she 15 but cara dia x mcam 15...i like the ways she care about me,her love...seyesly aku mmg terpikat kat dia...and aku dh mula nk fikir psal nk tunang 5 taun ag...maybe it just my dream but i will chenge my dream to reality...huhu...aku xleh lupa pandangan mata dia,smpi skrng pn aku xleh lupa n aku xkan lupa...i hold her hand on the day i meet her,i like her smile...credits to paan coz sudi bwa aku g ipoh...aku juga xkan lupa 4/12/2009...owh ya,taun depan aku xkan sambut bday seorg2 ag sbb aku akan smbung bday dgn dina or nama panjang dia Irdina Qasrina binti Mohamad Shaukhi...dia nie anak sedara aku...so,start 18/02/2010 aku xkan smbut bday aku sorg2 ag...heee...byk ag nk tulis but aku ada keje nk kna settle...aku keje kat cc nie pn smpi 3/1/2010 nie je...then aku akan balik kedah... :)
to nurul faizah
ayg,text abg bila dh dpat phone...i miss u so much...i feel my life empty without u...
ayg,text abg bila dh dpat phone...i miss u so much...i feel my life empty without u...
lonely :(
...i feel so lonely...where r u dear??.dont u know that i really miss u??.i worried about u...text me a.s.ap after u get ur phone...
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
aku ade pikir nk brenti tulis blog...dlu pn aku dh trpikir...aku x kisah org nk bace...tp maybe taun depan aku sibuk...aku nk smbung blaja...then aku sibuk ngan ayg aku....aku nk bhgiakan dia...aku nk wat dia happy...xnk dia sedey2...ntah la...sometime people get me wrongs....i think better i stop bloging before anythings happen...i love u ayg...i swear!!!huhu... :(
Monday, December 28, 2009
only you in my heart
to nurul faizah :
abg mnta maaf kat ayg...abg thu abg salah...tp jgn putus an hbgan kita...please ayg...abg snggup watpe je tp jgn mnta abg tnggal an ayg...please ayg...abg xthu cmna ag abg nk ckap...klau perlu,abg sndiri akan jmpa ayg kat umah ayg...abg snggup wat pe je tuk pertahan an hbngan kita nie...
abg mnta maaf kat ayg...abg thu abg salah...tp jgn putus an hbgan kita...please ayg...abg snggup watpe je tp jgn mnta abg tnggal an ayg...please ayg...abg xthu cmna ag abg nk ckap...klau perlu,abg sndiri akan jmpa ayg kat umah ayg...abg snggup wat pe je tuk pertahan an hbngan kita nie...
this song only for nurul faizah
Lirik: In My Life
Artis: Asna
There’s something in our heart
We shared the same feeling
We lived under one sky
We were meant to be together (together)
I wanna hold you in my arms forever
Don’t wanna let you go
Every night my soul cry out loud
I need someone in my life
Thank God I found you
You lighten up my life
im stupid right???
bodoh nya aku...sbb 1 perkataan je,hbngan aku nie jdi x mnentu...knapa aku sgt2 bodoh???.aku bleh nmpk kesetiaan dia...tp aku bodoh wat dia cmtu...tp abg x penah anggap ayg cm2...x terniat pn nk kta ayg cm2...plez ayg...plez trima abg balik....
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
to all PMR candidates!!!
...congrats to all pmr candidates...
...result finally out...
...hope u'll happy with ur results...
...try harder in SPM...
...PMR is nothing compare to SPM...
...if u get suck in PMR that not mean that ur SPM also suck...
...its all ur...
...if u work hard,u will get good result...
...trust me...
...congrats to all pmr candidates...
...result finally out...
...hope u'll happy with ur results...
...try harder in SPM...
...PMR is nothing compare to SPM...
...if u get suck in PMR that not mean that ur SPM also suck...
...its all ur...
...if u work hard,u will get good result...
...trust me...
GuD LuCK!!!
...just wanna say gudluck to all my sister...seyesly im so nervous to know their result...bby,bubu,ekin n mira...hope get a good result... :) ...really hope u'll happy...
....and to mama,papa miss u so much...take ur time sweetie....
....and to mama,papa miss u so much...take ur time sweetie....
Monday, December 21, 2009
scofy my sweet baby!!!

...igt ag x scofy??? ...
...nie scofy...
...my baby...
...aritu aku ada send scofy kat mama...
...camni la bju scofy time tu...

...baju nie mama yg wat...
...nice giler...

...thanx ma!!! ...
...really2 love u feeza!!!...
...jaga anak kita nie elok2 aw...
Friday, December 4, 2009
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Jika kau mengerti.
Jika kau mengerti. Apa yang telah aku lalui selama ini. Menempuh dunia yang besar ini seorang diri, Membawa hati yang telah dilukai...
a boy ask the that he love... boy... ... why im still waiting for u although u already have someone else.... why not i move on n find othe...
...this is my heart... ...it already broken twice... ...i hope it will be ok... ...my heart just for gulrz that can love me as i am... ...th...