they stay very far from each other...
they miss each other every minutes and everyday....
and for for sure..., they were in love....
and willing to sacrifice for their love...
one day...., the girl wondering...., does her bf love her???
so, she asked..., "hubbie...., do you truly love me?"
the boy answer...., i do truly love you honey.... whats wrong dear? u are not confident with me???
the girl replied sadly...., no....,it just that...., sometime i think that im not the best for you....
then,he said...., honey...., if u think that u're not the best for me..., then u should try to be...
she asked again....,do u think im good enough for you???
then the boy said softly...., baby..., there's no one are completely perfect in this world...
the girl smile...., u were rite hubbie.....
but somehow..., the girl still does not think dat her bf sincerely loves her.... so she asked..., can u feel my love to you???
the boy said..., of cause my dear...., every time..... every time.....
then...., suddenly she looks sad...., n talks real slow...,
she said....,
wish i could be the one..., the one who could give you love
the kind of love you really need........
wish i could say to you that i'll always stay with u...., hmmmm... but i know i'd only HURT you..., and yaaa...., i know i'd only make you CRY....
ryte???? but .....,
i just want u to know that i do really-really care about you
and of coz..., i love u
the girl cry...., and hugs her bf....
her bf said..., honey...., i know u care about me...,i know u love me.... please don't think nonsense..... okay honey....
then....., the boy promise something....,he said...., i promise to marry you....
i can afford to do diz by my own self...., but...,
i know we can..., if u promise me so... because i think nothing is impossible...
the girl release the hug and said...,
hubbie...,you need someone willing to give their heart and soul to u.....,
promise you foreva...., but ..., that's something i cant do....,i'm scared of losing you...
then he said...., honey..., mindset your self that i'm not gonna leave u..., and i'm gonna be yours forever...
she looks into his eyes..., and said...,
i never felt diz way b4...., evrything that i do....,
reminds me of u....
he said..., maybe i'm the one for u..... the only one
the girl smile..., who knows..... might be maybe
then they both hugs each other...,
she said i loves you hubby....
and the boy replied...., i love you too dear....
credit tu feeza..
yup.... semasa bercinta sumenya indah....hulala
awww, so sweet *
huhu..sgt lelaki sush nk meluahkan dgn kata2...dia juz tunjukkan dr segi shopping..jejalan..asalkan spend time bersama..ehhehe..
nice but tragic.........
is it you??
sudi@is : yup..time brcinta mmg indah..time putus,rsa cam nk bnuh diri ja..huhu
adeeya : yup sweet..but the end..only i know..
arisa : btol..laki mmg xpndai luahkan..laki just beh tnjuk ja..
rani : its realy tragic..
emma : urmmm..yes.. :]
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