....ahhhh....smlm nk wat tp x jdi plak...adeih...nnt dh siap aku letak kat blog nie...
im promise...heeeeee....
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
status make me crazy...
...hurmmm...do love someone???..off couse u have right???..even im single but i know we should understand our bf/gf...then we should trust each other...talking about far love,for me its a kind of happy love...its really test us...yeah i agree if you all say that its hard to couple if someone here n someone there...how to communicate each other???..how to date???...how how and how...but trust me,if u n ur gf/bf sucses to manage it,it gone be so sweet...that what i try to do...not an experiment but its true...i really love her...i hope i can get her n be her bf but i dun care about status couple or scandal or brother or adek or sister...what more important to me,i always be with u n will keep u safe n take care about u n will face problem together...that my promise to u...
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
...smlm aku mcg ngan dia kejap je...aku pham dia pnat sgt2...aku smlm lepak dpan laptop ngan mmber aku...try cari driver audio laptop dia kat internet...tp x jmpa...klau jmpa pn xleh install...adeih...cmna aku nk wat nie...paan smlm tito awal giler..dia tito sblm pkul 8 mlm kot...then jga pkul 2 pg kot...pas2 dia ckap dia lapar...aku pn time tu tgh lapa gak...paan start enjin keta then g NASMIR...makan roti canai 2 ngan teh tarik gelas...mmg sedap...balik dri NASMIR tu aku on rock lagend jap then trus tito...pkul 4 kot bru tito...zZzZz...
plan nk g ipon bersama paan (lamdha)
...minggu depan dh kuar result...adeih...hope dpat...isau aku...klau x dpat cmna??...tu la,dlu men2 sgt...adeih...hmmm,smlm plan ngan paan(lamdha) nk singgah ipoh...maybe lepak lam sejam je kat ipoh...tu pn sbb nk jmpa adeq aku...then truskan prjalanan g kl...sje je aku nk hang out kat kl...nnt bleh jmpa fruitchild aku...huhu...syasya,uncle miss u so much...dun 4get ur kiss aw...heee...owh ya...arini adeq(feeza) aku ada dance competiton...just do ur best n gud luck...hehehe...can wait the result...dun 4get to tell me adeq...
Monday, October 26, 2009
rock lagends lvl 80 n lvl 59
...smlm bosan giler...aku on9 tp xde sapa2...heee...seperti biasa aku men rock lagend...skrang dh lvl 80 dh...semua skali 100 lvl...that mean lg 20 lvl...hohoho...tp penat la...aku main 2 profile...1 lg nama baby dh lvl 59...esok dak umah aku dh start final...aku wish gud luck la... :) ...wat elok2...adeih...aku xtau nk citer psal pe...i miss my wife so much...heee...k la...my wife is on9 now...cau dlu...

Saturday, October 24, 2009
my kad raya!!!
...huh...what a tough day...so cruel...but im not alone...feeza always with me... love u so much...thanx...ptg nie nk blik kedah...nak amik kad yg feeza antar...esok pg blik penang blik...miss my mum and my dad...offer dari U pn lmbat ag nk thu...dlm bulan 11 kot...then nk g jom heboh kat batu kawan... :) ...finally i can smile...
Friday, October 23, 2009
try to make my life better but ....
...bateri fon aku dh low...aku nk marah dia but aku xleh slahkan dia...kenapa aku slalu pntingkan prasaan org sedangkan prasaan aku nie xde spa nk jga prasaan aku...shit...aku baik sgt ke???...btol kat adek ebowt...org baik slalu kena pijak kepala...pe yg aku bleh wat???...charger aku dh rosak...bkan aku x pesan,aku pesan...tp nk wat cmna...dia mmber aku...aku serba salah...yg aku mampu buat smntara wak2 nie adalah bersabar...hati aku nie dh trlalu byk luka...dh byk kali trguris...klau aku mati...aku wat org yg syg aku sedey...idk what to do...please help me...arrrrrghhhhhh...life so cruel to me...let me die if that the best ways to all...please take my life...i try to be strong but i fail...im a loser...
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
bulan ko wat aku tension r!!!
....seyesly fucking shit...hari yg amat malang skali bg aku...dh lma aku x nages...but arinie ada sorg tu berjaya wat aku nages...aku xthu pe motif dia...tp aku xkisah...aku dh byk kali kna...aku dh lali ngan semua nie...ptut la ptg td aku rsa nk mati je...adek opie plak dok marah aku...jgn sebut psal mati la...adek,abg mntak maaf...abg x ptut ckap cm2...ajal maut jodoh pertemuaan ditangan tuhan...aku kna pasrah...kesedihan itu sbahagian dari hidup aku...yg happy muka aku...yg sedih hati aku...pe pn aku x brdndam ngan dia...thanx atas penjelasan yg x jelas tu...ntah la...aku tgh pening...ngan msalh prasaan...ngan mslah duit sbb kad aku wat hal...ngan mslh diri sndiri...senang kata hidup aku = masalah...xde sapa yg aku bleh kongsi...even aku ramai adek...nvm...aku bru je brenti nages...nages aku bkan nages tipu...aku nages sbb ia dtg dri hati aku yg sedih...hati aku yg trluka...xper...aku akan try to fix myheart...but...after get back my heart from someone that i love....adek mira aku penah kata...hidup nie slalu kejam ngan kitaorg...mmg btol kata adek...abg x nafikan...esok pg aku igt nk kuar g pantai bersih jap...lam pkul 6.00pg...aku dh gila...aku btol2 kna amik msa utk trima apa yg berlaku...
to bulan...ko la pnca mslh nie...klau ko x mncul...aku hidup bhagia je ngan adeq aku...ko wat aku ngan dia bertengkar...ko hampir wat aku mati ko thu x???...mulai skrng,ko jgn muncul lg dlm ym aku...aku dh delete nma ko...ko x jujur...ko keje kat JJ la...umor 19 la...pe lg yg ko nk tipu....ko silap skit je...tp aku bleh hidu silap ko...fuck r!!! ...
to bulan...ko la pnca mslh nie...klau ko x mncul...aku hidup bhagia je ngan adeq aku...ko wat aku ngan dia bertengkar...ko hampir wat aku mati ko thu x???...mulai skrng,ko jgn muncul lg dlm ym aku...aku dh delete nma ko...ko x jujur...ko keje kat JJ la...umor 19 la...pe lg yg ko nk tipu....ko silap skit je...tp aku bleh hidu silap ko...fuck r!!! ...
Monday, October 12, 2009
please help me if u love me...
...owh no...
...im going crazy...
...cian kat si dia...
...aku wat dia srba salah...
...wat msa nie elok aku seorg2 dlu...
...aku nk pikir balik pe yg trjadi...
...aku nk cari jalan penyelesaian...
....dont call or text or ym or fb on ms or fs or tagged or anythings except it really2 urgent...
...i hope all of u can understand me...
...aku bru pas ckap ngan ma aku...
...aku rindu giler ngan ma n abah aku...
...aku nk rehat ...
...sehari pn jadi la...
...aku benar2 nk lari dri hidup nie sebentar...
...aku nk amik msa utk tenang kan haty aku...
...bila aku kmbali nnt...
...aku akan layan korg semua cam biasa...
...im going crazy...
...cian kat si dia...
...aku wat dia srba salah...
...wat msa nie elok aku seorg2 dlu...
...aku nk pikir balik pe yg trjadi...
...aku nk cari jalan penyelesaian...
....dont call or text or ym or fb on ms or fs or tagged or anythings except it really2 urgent...
...i hope all of u can understand me...
...aku bru pas ckap ngan ma aku...
...aku rindu giler ngan ma n abah aku...
...aku nk rehat ...
...sehari pn jadi la...
...aku benar2 nk lari dri hidup nie sebentar...
...aku nk amik msa utk tenang kan haty aku...
...bila aku kmbali nnt...
...aku akan layan korg semua cam biasa...
Sunday, October 11, 2009
poem that i like
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? |
Thou art more lovely and more temperate, |
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, |
And summer's lease hath all too short a date, |
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, |
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd, |
And every fair from fair sometime declines, |
By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd, |
But thy eternal summer shall not fade |
Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest, |
Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade, |
When in eternal lines to time thou growest, |
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, |
So long lives this and this gives life to thee. William Shakespeare |
Friday, October 9, 2009
my future???
...skrng pkul 3.38pg...org lain tgh nyenyak tidur dan dibuai mmpi indah...tp aku still xleh tido...dh seminggu aku xleh tido...dlam pkul 4 or 5 bru aku bleh lelapkan mata aku...aku asyik trfikirkan future aku...aku buntu...esok pkul 10 pg dh kena buka cc...adeih...hope aku bleh bgn awal...im really love u feeza...im yours but just in ours dream or maybe my dream only...i'll keep waiting...u r so sweet...u really care about me...i cant imagine if we together...once i get u,i wont let u go 4ever...
Jika Ku Seorang Robot

...jika ku seorang robot...
...nombor-nombor darahku...
...jasadku import export...
...besi logam dagingku...
...sinar matahari solar...
...nyawaku tenaga letrik...
...otakku macam peluru...
...bernafas pun tak perlu...

...meneliti lebuhraya...
...mengawal si pasaraya...
...mata-mata dari angkasa...
...jika ku seorang robot...
...tak perlu ada komplot...
...kawan-kawan semua robot...
...25 jam sehari...
...8 hari seminggu...

...jika ku seorang robot...
...nombor-nombor darahku...
...tak perlu ada komplot...
...besi logam dagingku...
...jasadku import export...
...meneliti lebuhraya...
...mengelilingi angkasa...
...jika ku seorang robot...
Thursday, October 8, 2009
keliru = confius = celaru = ssah hati
...nothing interesting about this post...
...just want to tell...
...aku sering pikir msa depan aku...
...umor dh 20...
...just want to tell...
...aku sering pikir msa depan aku...
...umor dh 20...
...nie la keyboard yg aku beli aritu...
...tp adala hmba ALLAH ni yg cam jeles je aku beli...
...dia ckap aku mnbazir je...
...yg heran tu,mmber aku ada beli gitar karan...
...harga RM600++,xde plak dia kta mnbazir...
...keyboard aku yg xsmpai seratus nie gak yg mnbazir...
...thu la ko alim tp agak2 la nk ckap...
...sia2 g surau tiap2 ari tp ckap x jga haty org...
...tp adala hmba ALLAH ni yg cam jeles je aku beli...
...dia ckap aku mnbazir je...
...yg heran tu,mmber aku ada beli gitar karan...
...harga RM600++,xde plak dia kta mnbazir...
...keyboard aku yg xsmpai seratus nie gak yg mnbazir...
...thu la ko alim tp agak2 la nk ckap...
...sia2 g surau tiap2 ari tp ckap x jga haty org...
....aku turut dalam dilema... ...aku ada suka kat gurl nie... ...tp dia ada bf... ...sblh tgn aku cuba tackle dia tp sblh tgn lg xnk dia clash ngan bf dia... ...aku jd serba salah... ...aku xthu pe yg aku patut buat... ...tp aku benar2 fall in love ngan dia... ...dia sgt2 care aku... ...dia slalu wat aku happy even dia penah wat aku mnagis skali... ...aku buntu.... "Faizah,would you be my gf???" ...i really hope that u say yes but i already know the answer... ...no right???... ...that ok... ...i understand...
I love the way you look at me,
Even it just a picture.
I love the way you kiss me,
Even it just my dream..
I love the way you make me so happy,
Even you not in front of me.
I love the way you say, "I Love You,"
Even you already someone.
I love the way you touch me,
Even it just my felling.
I love that you are with me,
And i glad that i know you.
to bulan :
...nie la stick egg...
...shuk yg letak nma tu...
...yg petak tu egg bread...
...my breakfast...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
sakit... =(
...arinie rabu...
...time adek2 aku tgh jwab pmr...
...time tu la aku rsa kepala aku brdnyut dnyut...
...saket dowh...
...dh 2 3 ari aku rsa kepala aku brdnyut dnyut...
...maybe tekanan darah aku rendah kot...
...ptg or mlm nie aku nk g klinik...
...tgk la pe yg jadi nnt...
...aku harap mira,feeza n ekin bleh jwab...
...wlaupn abg xde...
...abg doakan korg...
...just try ur best...
...time adek2 aku tgh jwab pmr...
...time tu la aku rsa kepala aku brdnyut dnyut...
...saket dowh...
...dh 2 3 ari aku rsa kepala aku brdnyut dnyut...
...maybe tekanan darah aku rendah kot...
...ptg or mlm nie aku nk g klinik...
...tgk la pe yg jadi nnt...
...aku harap mira,feeza n ekin bleh jwab...
...wlaupn abg xde...
...abg doakan korg...
...just try ur best...
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Jika kau mengerti.
Jika kau mengerti. Apa yang telah aku lalui selama ini. Menempuh dunia yang besar ini seorang diri, Membawa hati yang telah dilukai...
a boy ask the that he love... boy... ... why im still waiting for u although u already have someone else.... why not i move on n find othe...
...this is my heart... ...it already broken twice... ...i hope it will be ok... ...my heart just for gulrz that can love me as i am... ...th...
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