...nothing interesting about this post...
...just want to tell...
...aku sering pikir msa depan aku...
...umor dh 20...
...just want to tell...
...aku sering pikir msa depan aku...
...umor dh 20...
...nie la keyboard yg aku beli aritu...
...tp adala hmba ALLAH ni yg cam jeles je aku beli...
...dia ckap aku mnbazir je...
...yg heran tu,mmber aku ada beli gitar karan...
...harga RM600++,xde plak dia kta mnbazir...
...keyboard aku yg xsmpai seratus nie gak yg mnbazir...
...thu la ko alim tp agak2 la nk ckap...
...sia2 g surau tiap2 ari tp ckap x jga haty org...
...tp adala hmba ALLAH ni yg cam jeles je aku beli...
...dia ckap aku mnbazir je...
...yg heran tu,mmber aku ada beli gitar karan...
...harga RM600++,xde plak dia kta mnbazir...
...keyboard aku yg xsmpai seratus nie gak yg mnbazir...
...thu la ko alim tp agak2 la nk ckap...
...sia2 g surau tiap2 ari tp ckap x jga haty org...
....aku turut dalam dilema... ...aku ada suka kat gurl nie... ...tp dia ada bf... ...sblh tgn aku cuba tackle dia tp sblh tgn lg xnk dia clash ngan bf dia... ...aku jd serba salah... ...aku xthu pe yg aku patut buat... ...tp aku benar2 fall in love ngan dia... ...dia sgt2 care aku... ...dia slalu wat aku happy even dia penah wat aku mnagis skali... ...aku buntu.... "Faizah,would you be my gf???" ...i really hope that u say yes but i already know the answer... ...no right???... ...that ok... ...i understand...
I love the way you look at me,
Even it just a picture.
I love the way you kiss me,
Even it just my dream..
I love the way you make me so happy,
Even you not in front of me.
I love the way you say, "I Love You,"
Even you already someone.
I love the way you touch me,
Even it just my felling.
I love that you are with me,
And i glad that i know you.
to bulan :
...nie la stick egg...
...shuk yg letak nma tu...
...yg petak tu egg bread...
...my breakfast...

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