owh yes..tinggal lg 1 paper ag..open source operating system..subjek nie aku blaja psal open source sperti ubuntu, redhat, suse n byk ag free open source..best mmg best blaja subjek nie tp 1 je yg xbest..PC aku lam DCN tu xde GUI..so terpksa la gna CMI..haha..so, bila dh gna CMI nie, byk la command yg aku kena mahirkan seperti nk create file, edit file, copy file n byk ag..law sapa yg ada GUI tu sng la..just clik knan, tekan je copy..aku nie kna tulis command..owh ya, lam ubuntu yg aku gna, aku kna buka Terminal tuk taip command tu..Terminal tu law dlam windows, sma je ngan command prompt..tp best sbb ubuntu nie bleh wat mcan2 law kita explore ag mndalam..leh wat cmni.
best an??.try la ubuntu..best.. =) ..so skrg back to topic, psal final exam aku..aku harap pas abis exam nie, aku dpat keje kt cc tu..keje repair komputer..ngeee..gaji?.aku xkisah sgt sbb yg pnting bg aku adalah pengalaman..
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a boy ask the that he love... boy... ... why im still waiting for u although u already have someone else.... why not i move on n find othe...
...this is my heart... ...it already broken twice... ...i hope it will be ok... ...my heart just for gulrz that can love me as i am... ...th...
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